The Below Registration form is ONLY for


Please fill in the form below for each JCBR T-BALL player registration.
Your completed form will be redirected to the chosen Area of Affiliation you selected when you submit this form. 

Please use the Above Links to be redirected to Area Specific Registrations..

2025 WVBR Player Registration Submission Form

2025 Player Registration Form

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Players Date of Birth
  • If your AREA is not listed in the drop down, then visit that AREA for their Registration Process.
  • Players Age as of Today
  • Of Current Year
  • Education Grade

  • ( If different than player )
  • Where, When, How long, Position.
    If not selected for an area Babe Ruth team, would you like to be considered as a pool Player? Pool players may be selected by teams from any other area within Willamette Valley Babe Ruth.

  • League Insurance: League Accident and Liability insurance is carried through K & K Insurance, Inc.

    In case of an accident or illness, I hereby authorize a representative of Babe Ruth League, Inc. to use his/her judgment in obtaining immediate medical care. Parents will be notified in case of serious illness as quickly as they can be reached, but this makes treatment possible. Furthermore, I consent to the above listed players image to appear in print, web and broadcast media with no expectation of compensation. I hold harmless Willamette Valley Babe Ruth, Inc., and their respective area the player is assigned to, and fully understand that I assume all risks from any injuries or property damage suffered.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Player/Parent Contract

  • During the Course of a game, a coach, player or parent will not be approach an umpire for the purpose of disputing a judgment call or decision. A head coach may approach an umpire for the purpose of discussing a rule interpretation or for clarification. At all times, the coach will show respect to the umpire and maintain his obligation as the team leader to provide an example of good sportsmanship for the players and other event participants.

    No coach, parent or event participant will be allowed to shout abusive or disrespectful remarks criticizing a player, coach or an umpires performance or judgment. Umpires will handle unsportsmanlike behavior in accordance with Competition/Sportsmanship Committee guidelines. WVBR recognizes that errors and poor decisions are part of the game and it is important that the participants are provided an environment where they can succeed and fall free from the fear of public ridicule and embarrassment. The coaches are obligated to provide an example of control over emotions and speech. These behavior standards are to be maintained before, during, and after games, as well as any sanctioned league functions.

    We understand the importance of attending all practices, games or special events at the specified times. In the event we are tardy or miss any event, we will notify the coach with as much notice prior as possible.

    As a player, I will wear my uniform properly, hustle on and off the field, work hard at practice and games, make adjustments to improve my game, and be a positive influence on the team. If I don’t have something positive to say, I will be quiet.

    These standards as well as any special team rules are to be maintained by all participants, parents, coaches, and umpires prior to, during, and after any league or team function. Failure to adhere to these standards can result in disciplinary action ranging from extra work, missed playing time, removal from a game, suspension or removal from the team, or other appropriate penalties. These penalties can be applied to all participants, spectators, players, coaches, or umpires.

    In the event of a problem with team rules, behavior, playing time, or questions regarding the league or area, the first contact will be the Head Coach. In the event we can’t reach agreement, or get an answer to a question, the coach will refer us to the Area Director or appropriate Area Representative. The Area Director will handle communication between the League and Area, and the league will handle communication between Babe Ruth Headquarters and the League. We will not contact League Officials or Babe Ruth Officials until all local options are exhausted.

    All participants, league officials, coaches, umpires, or spectators, serve at the convenience of the league. Penalties can be applied by whatever mechanism deemed appropriate by the team or league. There doesn’t necessarily have to be a meeting of the minds. The ultimate authority will be the League Competition/Sportsmanship Committee, or the Area Directors, whichever is appropriate for the situation. Their decision on any penalty, as well as the forum for hearing the grievance will be final.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY